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Local Monsanto – Idanha – CB


This is the schedule in effect from 12 July 2021.

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 May be an image of text that says 'TRANSPORTES CARREIRA INTERMUNICIPAL IDANHA-A-NOVA IDANHA -NOVA IDANHA-A-NOVA ↓ CASTELO BRANCO Partida Chegada VIA OLEDO Mudança de autocarro SEGUNDA ASEXTA-FEIRA Localidade Ida Idanha-a-Nova Oledo QUARTA-FEIRA Volta 08:00 Ponte S. Gens 18:30 08:10 Volta 13:00 18:20 Castelo Branco 08:15 12:50 18:15 08:45 17:45 Nota: No regresso será feito transbordo na Ponte S. Gens. 12:45 12:15 VIA LADOEIRO SEGUNDA SEXTA-FEIRA Localidade Idanha- a-a-Nova SEGUNDA TERÇA QUINTA SEXTA-FEIRA Ladoeiro Ida Volta Castelo Branco 08:20 08:35 16:45 16:00 09:10 15:15 Valor do bilhete de acordo com operador PELA SAÚDE DE TODOS, PROTEJA- SE!'


Nearest station is Castelo Branco. Consult schedule and book tickets on

(It used to be only journeys that included at least a part on Intercity were bookable online, but not those completely on Regional trains, but this may have changed lately.)

Booking several days in advance typically yields a significant discount.

If you’re booking a train to get to Lisbon airport, get off at Lisboa Oriente and take the Metro (Linha Vermelha), it’s 3 stops to the airport.



Long distance coach

If you’re booking a coach to get to Lisbon airport: Sete Rios bus terminal is some ways from the airport. Check here for transfer options is a local community run information site