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  • Bookmark this page and consult it daily in summer and other high fire risk periods. There is also an app for smart phone, and you can set it to receive notifications of fires in your selected concelhos.
  • Shows wildfires (location, response level, status)
  • Shows fire risk level by concelho for today/tomorrow/onwards
  • If you smell or see smoke during high risk season, if possible check this site before calling bombeiros. They may have logged it already.

Local bombeiros (firefighters)

Penha Garcia is the nearest post to Monsanto. Tel 277 366 135

Well before a fire comes near you, read the guidance offered by

Fire safety around the house

Wildfires are a constant threat in summer and it is imperative to have a defendable space around your house.

If your house is outside of an urban zone, the following rules apply by law and are occasionally checked by SEPNA, the environmental branch of GNR:

In a zone extending 50 metres from any part of the house,

  • Crowns of eucalipt and pines must be at least 10 m apart, crowns of other trees 4 m apart.
  • Some exceptions are permitted for trees of special value, as long as measures have been taken to prevent fire spreading through them.
  • Trees must be delimbed to 4 m above ground if the tree is 8 m or taller, to half the height of the tree if smaller;
  • Bushes and hedges must not be taller than 50 cm, grasses and weeds no higher than 20 cm.
  • Any trees must be minimum 5 m away from the house and not overhang it.
  • No storage of firewood or other flammable materials.
  • Clear flammable materials (leaves, twigs) from the roof and gutters

Here you can download an illustrated guide in English for this


The deadline for meeting these conditions is typically mid March, but is sometimes extended due to weather or other conditions.

Note that before pruning or felling a cork oak (sobreiro) or holm oak (azinheira), you need to obtain a licence from ICNF – see “oaks” for details.

If your house is in a village or a group of houses, the safety zone around the village or cluster of houses is 100 metres. Consult the junta to find out if action is required on your part.

Controlled fires

If you want to burn garden or bush/forest clearing debris, 

  1. Check you are outside the critical period (1 July til 30 Sept unless otherwise announced)
  2. Check local fire risk level >> moderado or reduzido are ok
  3. Check no strong winds are forecast
  4. Register here (you’ll need your NIF)
  5.  and apply for permission online before each burn. (Failure to do this may result in an unexpected turnup of a fire engine and a hefty bill and fine! The website takes you through the application process and authorisation is almost immediate by e-mail and sms.
  6. Take precautions against the fire getting out of control, see leaflet in Portuguese here


If you like BBQ’s in summer, read this page first is a local community run information site